Rogers County
Business Development

Rogers County
Business Development

We assist businesses develop, provide jobs and create economic, cultural and educational benefits

Rogers County, Oklahoma

Welcome to Rogers County, Oklahoma. We boast the fastest growing population in the state. But it's no surprise that folks want to call Rogers County home. With competitive real estate prices, top educational institutions and lucrative job opportunities -- we offer a positive work/life balance. For those interested in starting their own business or opening a new branch of a seasoned chain, Rogers County offers several state and county level business incentive programs

Major Cities and Towns

Rogers County Oklahoma

Frequently Asked Questions

Rogers County offers top tier educational institutions, lucrative job opportunities, competitive real estate prices and a quality work/life balance.

Currently there are job opportunities in architecture, engineering, company management, utilities, oil & gas extraction, mining, quarrying, manufacturing, health care and retail.

We assist businesses develop, provide jobs and create economic, cultural and educational benefits for the residents of Rogers County. We provide assistance in: facility location and site searches, economic and demographic information, real estate and equipment finance, business start-up programs and small business development.

Rogers County is recognized for its outstanding incentive programs and pro-business environment. Businesses can choose between a cash incentive or a tax credit package, and in some cases, qualifying businesses can take advantage of both programs.

Discover Rogers County